With over 20 years experience in the industry, I have worked extensively with real estate companies, small businesses and individuals throughout Southern California, including institutional owners, the County of Los Angeles and the State of California. With a proven track record of success in sales, leasing and property management, I have helped to develop and manage hundreds of millions of dollars in residential and commercial properties.
As an active member of the National and California Association of REALTORS® (NAR and CAR) and the AIR Commercial Real Estate Association, not only do I have access to the most comprehensive and accurate real estate listing data available, but also an expansive business network to successfully market and transact the selling, buying and leasing of your commercial or residential property. I also have rich experience assisting my clients with financing and loans for their real estate transactions.
My background also includes a systematic education in real estate operation, development and management with an undergraduate degree from one of the top universities in China and a graduate degree from USC, with training at the USC Lusk Center for Real Estate and the City of Los Angeles Housing Department.
Contact me for all your real estate needs. I will guide you every step of the way and make the whole process pleasant, informative and stress-free.
进入房地产领域已有20多年, 我越来越深爱这个行业,皆因我的教育背景,专业素养及丰富经验,也因个性使然。从小到大,我都追求做人真诚坦帅,认真负责,喜欢与人沟通交流, 坚持先做对的人再做对的事。 让我由衷感到荣幸及骄傲的是,每一位因房地产与我结缘的客户,我们彼此都成为相互信赖的好朋友。
“工欲善其事必先利其器”,我深谙厚积薄发的道理,所以我是同行中少数先后在主流的住宅及商业地产开发经营管理的房地产公司历练多年,经营管理过数亿美金的住宅及商业地产项目,积累了丰富的经验在商业及住宅销售,租赁,投资开发,物业管理及 维修和贷款等各个领域, 且以优异的工作表现赢得老板同事及客户地称赞和尊敬,从来没有被罢免或下岗的经历。我的客户遍及各行各业,小到个人,公司行号,大到洛杉矶县政府,加州州政府,房地产投资基金集团, 在客户中享有非常好的口碑。 借用一位客户脱口而出的对我服务的评价:“又快,又准,又好”!
我也是少数受过扎实的房地产科班教育具有专业知识素养的房地产经纪人。我本科就读于中国人民大学工商管理学院不动产经营管理系并以第一名成绩毕业,之后免试进入在广州的中山大学岭南学院学习房地产经营管理硕士专业,于一年后获得学费全免及助研奖学金来到美国洛杉矶进入著名的南加州大学 (USC) 学习全美专业排名第一的城市规划硕士专业,专攻社区经济与地产发展,在南加大房地产中心 (USC Lusk Center for Real Estate) 当教授的助研,期间也在洛杉矶市房屋局 (City of Los Angeles Housing Department) 兼职工作一年。
University of Southern California
Master of Planning, Economic Development
Renmin University of China
Bachelor of Administration, Land and Real Estate Management